Lemongrass & Mandarin Massage Oil

Lemongrass & Mandarin Massage Oil
4.8  |  4 REVIEWS

Breathe in the bright citrusy aromas of lemongrass and mandarin as you soothe the body and mind with this luxurious massage oil. The non-greasy, vegan formula contains a blend of skin-softening oils including coconut oil and kukui nut oil. Essential oils of lemongrass, mandarin and lemon myrtle add a pleasant aroma that helps lift the mood.

Key Ingredients:
Kukui nut oil is high in essential fatty acids that help improve skin texture. Lemongrass has properties that can help alleviate muscle aches. Mandarin oil is rich in antioxidants that nourish the skin and protect against free radicals.

USD 17.50


Taufik | Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
2 years ago
Aroma enak khas sereh
Aromanya enak khas sereh. Yang paling penting massage oil SB ini nyaman di kulit. Malah jadi lembab gitu jatuhnya. Beneran bisa bikin rileks dan kalem.
Marcella | Indonesia
2 years ago
jujur aku mulai suka produk-produk Sensatia ini dari Bali 🍃 Karena waktu itu iseng-iseng masuk ke tokonya & nemu ini produk di mana aku habis spa di Bali… dan kubeli deh untuk massage di rumah jakarta nanti. Wanginya ya ampun calming banget dan digosok dibadan tu cepet banget langsung anget 😍 bisa langsung cepet tidur kalau massage pake oil Sensatia! ❤️
Rika | Indonesia
2 years ago
Feel I just come back from spa after using it...
Selah | Seogwipo, South Korea
3 years ago
It smells good and soft, so it's good to massage.