Nurturing Shampoo Refill

Nurturing Shampoo Refill
5  |  1 REVIEWS

Lightweight and rich in nutrients, Nurturing Shampoo Refill is beneficial for hair and the environment as you can cut back on plastic usage up to 75%. This all-natural shampoo is packaged in an innovative recyclable pouch that makes it easy to refill and reuse your old bottles. Completely biodegradable, the formula contains pure botanicals that impart nutrients for healthier hair and a healthier planet.

Key Ingredients:
Marshmallow root extract is a naturally hydrating and an excellent detangler. Burdock root stimulates blood circulation, which can promote hair growth. Lemon oil is antimicrobial and may prevent dandruff.

USD 28.00


Dian | Banten, Indonesia
2 years ago
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